Export Files window

Export Files window

The Export dialog allows the user to export survey data in simple flat ASCII files.   Checking the Apply option causes the Datum and Correction Velocity to be applied.   Checking the Use Mud Line option will adjust the datum to the mud line utilizing the correctional velocity of the survey.   Checking the Batch option causes output to be concatenated within one single output file specified by Name.   If not using Batch, each survey is written to a file of the same name using the given file extension.   If the API number is present in the selected input file, then each line of output will be tagged with the API number.   If not, each line of output will be tagged with the name of the selected input file.


1 . ExportExport


Start the Export

2 . Batch output to one file checkBatch output to one file check

Batch output to one file check

Check this option to concatenate all output into one single file.

3 . Select... buttonSelect... button

Select... button

Select a previously defined export template

4 . Use checkUse check

Use check

Apply the Text Box Correction Velocity   to all data to be exported.

Else use the original correction velocity from the survey.

5 . Apply checkApply check

Apply check

Adjust all data to be exported to a common reference datum using a common or

the original correctional velocity.

Check use Mud line to adjust all selected surveys to mud line (strip off the water)


6 . Use Mud Line checkUse Mud Line check

Use Mud Line check

Check use Mud line to adjust all selected surveys to mud line (strip off the water)

Will sensitize by checking the Apply Control.   Datum will automatically be adjusted to Water Bottom






7 . Create/Edit...Create/Edit...


Create or Edit a user defined export Template



User Export Format window